A Number Of Garment Brand Company Investigate Kampuchea Workers' Collective Coma
International Labour Organization
It is pointed out that after more than 20 successive accidents, the Brand Company will be
The workers in the garment factory investigated the collective coma.
The International Labour Organization says many foreign companies promise to invest.
And technology, trying to figure out why there are hundreds of workers in their suppliers' factories in the near future.
The situation.
These companies include brands like Gap, H&M, WAL-MART and Target.
A spokesman for the International Labour Organization said, "the urgent task is to conduct extensive investigations to find out the causes of these stupors, while at work.
Remove all known causes from nutrition and other safety aspects.
The leaders welcomed the decision of the Brand Company and pointed out that the Kampuchea government had set up an inter departmental working group.
The International Labour Organization says more than 10 similar incidents have occurred in Kampuchea this year.
This is usually associated with poor ventilation and workers working in hazardous chemicals.
In August, more than 300 workers were hospitalized in a factory in two days.
Chea Mony, chairman of the free trade union, pointed out that a number of workers reported a "strange smell" before the coma.
In the past few months, a similar incident occurred in a supplier factory in Puma, Germany. After investigation, the company thought it was because the factory did not comply with the labor time and safety rules.
The textile and garment industry is one of Kampuchea's main sources of foreign exchange. There are 300 thousand employees in the whole industry, most of whom are women.
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